Infra Automation by Terraform Dynamic Block for List(Objects) Usecase — Part7

  • Reading time:3 mins read

In Terraform, dynamic blocks help automate the generation of multiple instances of a block for a variable list of configurations. In this example, a dynamic block is used to define Azure Security Group rules dynamically based on a list of virtual network rules. The rules are defined in a list of objects, and Terraform creates individual security rules for each item. This approach simplifies the management of infrastructure and ensures consistency. The variables are defined in a file, and the configurations are applied using terraform plan and apply.

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Infra Automation by Terraform Pipeline Setup — Part5

  • Reading time:5 mins read

In this part, we explore the benefits and steps involved in setting up a Terraform pipeline for Azure. The pipeline ensures consistent Infrastructure as Code (IaC) deployments and automates provisioning and updates. Integration with version control systems like Git allows for tracking changes and collaboration. The pipeline also enhances security through secrets management for sensitive information. The pipeline is structured with multiple jobs, including Terraform Plan, Review, and Deploy, to manage infrastructure changes efficiently and securely.

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