Secure and Scalable Management of Kubernetes Secrets in Enterprise AKS Environments with Jenkins and Docker-in-Docker

  • Reading time:8 mins read

Sealed Secrets provide a secure way to encrypt and manage sensitive Kubernetes data. Using a Jenkins pipeline with Docker-in-Docker (DIND), this solution automates secret encryption, certificate management, and deployment in Amazon AKS. It enhances security, streamlines workflows, and scales seamlessly across multiple environments.

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Infra Automation by Terraform -AKS Provisioning & RBAC for AD Group — Part9

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications with Kubernetes. Integrating Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) with AKS enhances security by controlling user access within the Kubernetes environment. By provisioning a service principal and adding it to an Azure Active Directory (AD) group, administrators can efficiently manage permissions. This setup ensures that only authorized users and applications can access and modify resources.

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Infra Automation by Terraform Accessing Modules from a different Repo — Part8

  • Reading time:9 mins read

Accessing Terraform modules from a separate repository enhances the modularity, reusability, and centralized maintenance of infrastructure code. By linking modules to a primary Terraform directory via HTTPS or SSH, you can ensure that modules are maintained and updated in one location, reducing redundancy and ensuring consistency.

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Infra Automation by Terraform Dynamic Block for List(Objects) Usecase — Part7

  • Reading time:3 mins read

In Terraform, dynamic blocks help automate the generation of multiple instances of a block for a variable list of configurations. In this example, a dynamic block is used to define Azure Security Group rules dynamically based on a list of virtual network rules. The rules are defined in a list of objects, and Terraform creates individual security rules for each item.

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Infra Automation by Terraform Dynamic Block for Map(Objects) Usecase— Part6

  • Reading time:3 mins read

This discussion demonstrates the use of dynamic blocks in Terraform to create Azure Front Door routing rules. It defines a map of routing rules in the terraform.tfvars file, where each rule includes attributes like accepted protocols, patterns to match, and frontend endpoints. The dynamic block is used to iterate over these routing rules and generate configuration blocks for each rule dynamically. In the case of forwarding rules, another nested dynamic block is used to configure forwarding settings.

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Infra Automation by Terraform Pipeline Setup — Part5

  • Reading time:5 mins read

In this part, we explore the benefits and steps involved in setting up a Terraform pipeline for Azure. The pipeline ensures consistent Infrastructure as Code (IaC) deployments and automates provisioning and updates. Integration with version control systems like Git allows for tracking changes and collaboration. The pipeline also enhances security through secrets management for sensitive information. The pipeline is structured with multiple jobs, including Terraform Plan, Review, and Deploy, to manage infrastructure changes efficiently and securely.

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Infra Automation by Terraform for Azure Cloud VM— Part 4

  • Reading time:4 mins read

This Terraform setup automates the provisioning of an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) with managed disks. It uses to define key parameters like resource group name, VM size, and admin credentials. In, resources such as a resource group, virtual network, subnet, network security group, and a Windows VM are created. The VM is configured with a custom OS disk size and a specified Windows image. The terraform.tfvars file provides variable values for easy configuration, and the terraform plan and terraform apply commands are used to deploy the infrastructure.

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Infra Automation by Terraform for Azure Cloud — Part 3

  • Reading time:6 mins read

In Part 3 of this Terraform Azure Automation series, we focus on authenticating Terraform with Azure to manage infrastructure. First, use the Azure CLI to log in and set your subscription ID. Then, create a Service Principal in Azure Active Directory with Contributor permissions. Set the required environment variables for Terraform to use, including the client ID, secret, subscription ID, and tenant ID. Next, create a terraform-azure directory and configure the Azure provider in a file. After initializing the Terraform directory, run terraform plan to preview the changes, followed by terraform apply to implement the changes to your Azure infrastructure

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Terraform Setup in the Azure Cloud VM — Part2

  • Reading time:3 mins read

To set up Terraform on an Azure Ubuntu VM, first ensure your system is up to date and install required packages like gnupg, software-properties-common, and curl. Then, add HashiCorp's GPG key and repository to your system. After updating package information, install Terraform using sudo apt-get install terraform. Finally, verify the installation by running terraform -help in a new terminal session.

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